by Kara Rozendaal | Sep 25, 2019 | Product Information
Well here I am, still in California after planning a 3 week vacation here! 2 weeks into my vacation my sister suffered a hemorrhagic stroke! With this type of stroke 1/3 recover with no deficits, 1/3 recover with some debilitating results, and 1/3 die. So far it... by Kara Rozendaal | Jul 9, 2019 | Sewing Tips
Diane is an ex fashion professional turned bag maker. When she’s not sewing or developing killer new patterns you can find her walking her dog along the sunny canal banks of Worsley.About Diane Spencer OggAlways too much going through my head. I am a born sewer – not... by Kara Rozendaal | Jul 1, 2019 | Product Information
Well I tried something new! Not difficult, but I do think there are a few tips to learn to perfecting this process. I’m talking about waterproofing my fabric with Odicoat for a classic zip around wallet by Maggy55. I want to do this pattern in leather but my... by Kara Rozendaal | Jun 21, 2019 | Introduction
I’ve been running a group of some sort for several years. Way before wovenFuse came into my life, I ran an all-craft group. It was difficult to maintain all crafts and stay on top. Since sewing is my main craft, I did cater to sewing. Periodically I ran...